This week my husband celebrated his 30th birthday! (I'm not sure when we turned into grownups) With a little help from our family I was able to pull off a surprise "Beards & Beers" party for him. As soon as he left for work Saturday morning I set to work decorating the house with bright colors, beards and moustaches!

We had all of the birthday boy's favorites on hand! I didn't get any shots of the food, but we had plenty of that too.

Complete with cups decorated with Brian's likeness...uncanny, no?

Since we also had birthday cake I kept most of the cake pops wrapped...but they were too cute not to get a close-up of!

Do you like my cake pop "holders"? They were a last minute addition so I had to think quickly and use what I had. I grabbed a few stemless wine glasses and filled them with lemon drops to hold the pop sticks in place. It worked perfectly, but even better - it was cheap!
On Sunday was Surprise Part 2 when we had Diamond Club seats at the Phillies game! The Diamond Club is right behind home plate - it was amazing! You can watch the players take indoor batting practice which is usually "behind the scenes" AND you get waited on in your seat. It was a blast, we felt so spoiled. But even better - the Phillies pulled off a win in the bottom of the 9th! And the MOST important thing? Brian said it was the best birthday he ever had!

Cake Pops - Jill's Sweet Treats
Printable banner & food tents - Sunshine & Pop